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About Us

At ARCHIN Software Consultancy , we offer quality services to enhance your business with the help of latest technology available in the market or developing something brand new for you.

At ArchiN , we are not afraid of any challenge that may come our way, We are an one stop solution to your IT need. With the range of IT Services like IT Consultation, Website Designing, Website Development and programming, Customized software development, Customizing an already existing Software or website , graphic designing including Logo Designing and 3-D animations , Hosting services - Dedicated and shared servers, ArchiN also handles customer support and helpdesk mechanism for various companies, The portfolio of our services extends towards the online marketing services including Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social media Optmization (SMO) and other marketing tools. Our services are supported by our Technical Team, prompt & quality support and low cost value added services. We have combined the world of style and professionalism to give you new ideas and have opened a whole new horizon. Our competent graphic designers provide fascinating designs for your logos, brochures, corporate identity and presentations to your utmost satisfaction. Our Web Designers & Programmers are both skilled and experienced in the latest development tools and techniques to provide you world-class solutions. We have a team comprising of a rich mix of skill and experience, adequately supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure.